Writings & Works

I have been writing, presenting and working visually on social and economic affairs for many years. My publications and style of writing span academic and lay readerships in settings ranging from formal finance to monetary reform and from mainstream economics to sustainability groups. Alongside self-published works, usually a synthesis of collaborative research, my writings have also appeared in a variety of publications. As part of an archiving project, under the title My Journey to the Centre of the Economy I have written an introduction to my 'collected works', which are available via the æBookstore.

I have given workshops and presentations in many parts of the world and in many different contexts, mindful always of the importance of listening rather than dictating to other cultures. 

I have a collection of over 500 coloured chalk on black paper images which have accompanied my work since the late 1980s. (See Gallery for examples.)

From time to time, I participate in or curate films, interviews and exhibitions.